Last August, CPC expanded its footprint with our new grain elevator site on the north edge of Little River. The facility can store up to 1.9 million bushels and is staffed with a seasoned team of 3, having over 100 years combined experience to assist patrons in that area. In addition, CPC offers fuel sales at our pumps in town, and to the east a few miles, our Little River Agronomy hub. John Mitchell serves as the elevator location manager with 42 years experience at the Little River Location, and over that time, many changes have been made to the elevator to provide greater safety and faster processes to accommodate customers. Marva Spellman has over 34 years in the grain business and does a great job meeting customers’ needs in the office and at the scales. Jerry Weaver has 25 plus years experience at the elevator, and assists with handling trucks, shipping, grain conditioning, and the repair and maintenance of the facility. John, Marva, and Jerry are ready to serve area producers this summer and fall harvest seasons – stop in and say hello. The entire crew at Central Prairie Co-op appreciates the opportunity to be of service and we thank you for your business!