A total of 30+ growers showed up to listen to experts from Central Prairie Co-op, Winfield and Heartland Soil Sampling on Thursday, March 31st. The morning started off with a presentation from Landon Oldham of Heartland Soil, followed by a presentation from Eric Hansen and Don Pope of Winfield. During this time growers enjoyed coffee, donuts, and cinnamon rolls.

At 10:30 am, Central Prairie Co-op staff and Winfield representatives along with the customers went to view the Wheat Answer Plot on the property of Monte Rolfs in Ellsworth County. As Eric Hansen and Don Pope explained what was happening in the plot, growers viewed samples from the different test blocks. The samples showed variances in different seed treatments, foliar fertilizers, as well as other wheat growing practices. After questions were answered, growers and staff members enjoyed refreshments and pizza provided by Winfield at the Bushton Agronomy Hub.