
The Grain Marketing Team at Central Prairie Co-op has a clear and unwavering vision that guides its operations and decision-making. At the forefront of this vision is a commitment to providing exceptional services that enable our partners to thrive in the market. We understand that success in the agricultural industry requires a deep understanding of market trends, as well as the ability to make informed decisions based on sound data and analysis. With this in mind, we are dedicated to providing our partners with the resources they need to achieve their goals and stay ahead of the curve. Additionally, we believe that integrity is the cornerstone of any successful business relationship. That’s why we maintain the highest ethical standards in all of our dealings, ensuring that our partners can trust us to act with honesty and transparency at all times.

Lee Burgess

Lee Burgess

Dalton Konen

Staff Positions Number
Lee Burgess - Central Prairie Co-op Grain Department Manager 620.278.2141
Dalton Konen - Central Prairie Co-op Southern Grain Marketing Advisor 620.204.8748
Darrin Eddy - Ag 360 Crop Insurance 620.755.6023

Give us a call to find out more about our services!

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